Elsinore: The “City of Hate” Conspiracy
The Elsinore story is a noir based on actual events that took place in a small resort town in the late 1950’s. During this time, Southern California had suffered one of its most devastating droughts in history. When spring levels dropped in Elsinore, fluoride percentages rose to an alarming high. Authorities responded quickly, issuing a state mandate to shut off Elsinore’s cherished mineral water. This hurt Jewish-owned businesses that profited from spring water. Communist agitators living in Elsinore insisted that the water was safe, alleging a government conspiracy to drive Jews out of Elsinore. While under investigation for communist activity, these agitators organized a forceful movement, dominated the local newspaper and successfully overthrew every city seat. This positioned newly elected officials to take on the State and assume control of Elsinore’s water.
To further their cause, ringleaders solicited the help of KTLA reporter Pat Michaels. After “investigating” the Elsinore story, Michaels aired an hour-long television documentary entitled “City of Hate”. The program was filled with numerous assertions that local water was shut off to “rid the town of Jews.” After the broadcast was aired, state agents included Pat Michaels in their investigations. This led to multiple grand jury indictments against him, Elsinore’s newly elected officials and the many accomplices responsible for fueling the Elsinore conflict.
Leading up to Pat Michaels’ involvement in the controversy, other headline stories he covered are unveiled; a few examples are the Soviet’s launch of Sputnik I and Sputnik II, the capture of Soviet spy Rudolf Abel and the arrest of mobster Mickey Cohen. Michaels’ version of the Cohen story soon had federal agents after him. They weren’t the first, nor were they the last!
By the time Pat Michaels is submerged into the Elsinore story, he is widely recognized for standing on the wrong side of the issues. Aligning himself with members of the communist party in question did not help his reputation. Nor did it help Elsinore.